Cable-Trol and Trac Trol Continue to Amaze with Reputation for Longevity Year After Year!

For those of you out there who are engineers, or who work with engineers, it’s time for some frank talk about getting back to the basics. The best-engineered solution to a problem is not the most expensive solution, or the most complicated or the most loaded with technology and electronics. It is the solution that works, and keeps working, at a reasonable cost. Sometimes this is called the “most elegant” solution. This is the reason the “Rube Goldberg device” has been subjected to universal ridicule.

So, are you getting a little tired of the snake-oil salesmen who tell you that you need to select a linear actuator from a bewildering array of finicky high-tech products? Are you frustrated by the struggle to keep some of those products working in difficult environments, or by the difficulty in repairing and maintaining them?

Fortunately, there are a number of applications for which a “most elegant” solution is available. Greenco’s Cable-Trol and Trac-Trol products can provide a space-efficient method for powering moving parts on machinery or other equipment. They are simple in design, yet versatile–they can even turn corners! Greenco Engineer Bill Pinciaro says he has been able to help countless engineers over the years find a solution to many design problems that successfully incorporate one of these products. “Don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email to go over your needs. It may seem like a unique situation, but it is probably something we have encountered before and can help you find something that works.”

Best and “most elegant” of all, the Cable-Trol and Trac-Trol cylinders are much more cost-effective than many of the “high-tech” alternatives and are easier to maintain and repair, even in the field. One of the most exceptional features of the Cable-Trol and Trac-Trol products is their longevity. Inside Sales Assistant Monica Van Keuren recently remarked on two customers who had returned units for refurbishing—the units had in each case been in use for over 30 years. Monica indicates that “the units were a little scuffed and discolored after all those years, but there was nothing major wrong with them after all that time. These were happy customers who wanted the same unit back for continued faithful service!”

When your application allows you to use a “most elegant” solution, we recommend that you do! The Cable Trol and Trac-Trol offer the OEM an opportunity to lower costs and provide superior performance.

Call us today with your special application requirements!

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